Handmade Wooden Settlers of Catan Board

For those who really love the board game Settlers of Catan creating a wooden version is a fantastic project to under take. Imgur user Bamboosz decided to do something a bit different:
“I decided I wanted to make a wooden version of the game board. I thought a wooden board of catan would have a great look and feel to it and would fit perfectly into the style of the game and the buildable custom tile setup.
I found some options online for custom wood catan boards but these were mostly centered around laser-cut and engraved tiles with a custom resource tile design. Some of these designs were very beautiful, but in my opinion they lacked the style and feel of the original game.
That is why I set out on creating a wooden version of the Catan board that held on to the colorful graphic style of the original game. To achieve this I used a combination of mod podge and images printed on paper (google print on wood). The whole print process took a lot of time and and insane amount of patience, but I found out that the results were definitely worth it!”

Source: Bambooosz on Imgur